Mandarin for Expats


Course Introduction

This course Mandarin for expatriate is our key course which is specially designed for those expatriates whose native language is not Chinese (mandarin or any other dialect of Chinese) and who does not have any experience of speaking Mandarin as daily language.

For those students whose native language is English, French, Spanish or any other western language, Mandarin language and writing Chinese is a language absolutely different from their mother language.

From those students whose native language is Japanese or Korea, the Chinese character actually is not strange to them, and some sound of speaking language is also similar. Comparatively Japanese and Korea speakers will feel Chinese language easier than pure western language speakers.

This course is suitable for both western language speakers and Asia language speakers.


Course Structure

This course include three levels, Beginner Level, Intermediate Level, and Advanced Level, the study hours of each level is set out as follows,

  • Beginner Level

students usually need to learn about 180 hours (90 hours for Beginner I and 90 hours for Beginner 2) to finish Beginner Level and to reach the standard of entering the Intermediate Level although there is individual difference, the detail of which is set out as follows,

Mandarin for Expats: Beginner Level, Totally Learning Time: 180 Hours
Beginner I: 90 Learning Hours TotallyBeginner II: 90 Learning Hours Totally
Classroom Learning 45 Hours, Self-Study 45 HoursClassroom Learning 45 Hours, and self-Study 45 Hours

After finishing the Beginner Level, students are expected to master the phonetic system of the Mandarin Chinese language, to be able to read an pronounce Mandarin vocabulary independently with the aid of Mandarin Pinyin, to be able to speak on basic topic relating to the daily life and work.

  • Intermediate Level

To complete the Intermediate Level and reach the standard of being an advanced learner, the students usually need complete  learning time of about 360 hours although there is individual difference. The details of learning time breakdown is as follows,

Mandarin for Expats: Intermediate Level, Totally Learning Time: 360 Hours
Beginner I: 180 Learning Hours TotallyBeginner II: 180 Learning Hours Totally
Classroom Learning 90 Hours, Self-Study 90 HoursClassroom Learning 90 Hours, and self-Study 90 Hours

After completing the Intermediate Level, students are expected to be able to communicate with native Chinese speakers common topics related to the daily life and work correctly and fluently, to be able to read Chinese articles with limited aid of dictionary, to be able to understand most of the Chinese films & TV programs.

  • Advanced Level

To complete Advanced Level and to reach the standard of native Mandarin speaker, students will need to complete at least 360 hours. The details of learning time breakdown is as follows,

Mandarin for Expats: Advanced Level, Totally Learning Time: 360 Hours
Advanced I: 180 Learning Hours TotallyAdvanced II: 180 Learning Hours Totally
Classroom Learning 90 Hours, Self-Study 90 HoursClassroom Learning 90 Hours, and self-Study 90 Hours

After successfully completing the Advanced Level, students will be expected to command the Mandarin Chinese language the same or similar to a native Mandarin speaker.


Course Syllables

Please download the course syllables of the three levels of this course by clicking the following links,